Football Motivation Story

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Discovering My True Self: A Journey of Finding Who I Am ?


Every one has a beginning

In a busy city, there lived a young woman named Maya. Despite her achievements, Maya felt empty and longed to uncover her true self.

Maya is a small girl with a strong mind and spirit, decided to explore her inner self. She wanted to find her passions, values, and dreams. Maya was determined to embark on a journey of self-discovery. 


She chose to travel because she believed it could inspire new perspectives. Maya thought that being in nature could nurture her soul and help her reconnect with her true essence. 

While traveling, Maya faced challenges that tested her resilience. She learned to overcome self-doubt and manage multiple obstacles. Traveling allowed Maya to escape society’s expectations and redefine her identity. It provided a space where she could live according to her values and create her own story. 

Maya asked herself deep questions during her journey. She wanted to peel away the external influences and societal pressures that shaped her identity. 

Question Yourself !

Each step of her journey brought forth new challenges that tested her resilience and self-belief. The path she had chosen was not an easy one, but her determination and desire for self-discovery propelled her forward.


In moments of solitude and reflection, Maya asked herself profound questions that served as fuel for her motivation:

  1. “Who am I beneath the layers of societal expectations and conditioning?” 

Maya felt a strong desire to peel away the external influences and societal pressures that had shaped her identity. She wanted to uncover her true essence and understand the core of her being.

  1. “What are the passions and dreams that ignite a fire within me?” 

She thought deeply about the activities that brought her joy and fulfillment, the pursuits that made her heart race with excitement. Maya sought to identify her true passions and align her life with them.

  1. “What values do I hold dear, and how can I live in accordance with them?” 

Maya sought to define her core values and understand how they could guide her choices and actions. She longed for a life that reflected her deepest beliefs and principles.

  1. “What fears and limiting beliefs hold me back from embracing my authentic self?” 

Maya dealed with her fears head-on and questioned the beliefs that had limited her potential. She sought to challenge and overcome these barriers, recognizing that they were merely illusions keeping her from reaching her true potential.

  1. “How can I express my unique gifts and make a positive impact in the world?” 

Maya considered carefully the ways in which she could share her talents and contribute meaningfully to the world. She desired to arrange her actions with her purpose, leaving a positive imprint on the lives of others.

With each question, Maya gained clarity and renewed motivation. She recognized that her journey of self-discovery was not only about find a correct explanation for her own basic nature but also about creating a life of authenticity and fulfillment.

Maya’s strong determination and purpose guided her through challenges. She trusted that her journey would transform her and reveal her true self. 

Maya’s story teaches us that asking ourselves the right questions leads to personal growth. By creating a supportive environment and practicing self-reflection, we can embrace our authentic selves and live a fulfilling life. 

Question Yourself !

Now it’s time for us to ask ourselves about our emotions and embark on our own journey of self-discovery. Follow these steps to cultivate an environment that supports your self-discovery:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can be at peace: 

Choose a space where you can find peace and solitude. It could be a quiet corner in your home, a nearby park, or any place that makes you feel at ease

  1. Minimize distractions to focus on self-reflection.

Minimize external distractions that can hinder your focus and reflection. Turn off your phone or put it on silent mode, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and create a quiet atmosphere where you can make yourself fully involved in self-exploration

  1. Create a calming atmosphere with soft lighting, scents, or nature elements.

Increase the atmosphere by incorporating elements that promote relaxation and peace. Consider using soft lighting, scented candles, or natural elements like plants or flowers. Play calming music or nature sounds if it helps you enter a meditative state

  1. Set aside dedicated time for self-asking and introspection.

Divide specific time for self-asking and thinking examination. It could be a few minutes each day or longer periods once a week, depending on your schedule and preferences. Consistency is key, so try to establish a routine that allows you to prioritize self-reflection regularly

  1. Use tools like a journal or art supplies to express your thoughts and emotions.

Equip your space with tools that make self-expression and self-reflection easier. Keep a journal or notebook handy to jot down your thoughts, emotions, and insights. Use art supplies if creative expression resonates with you, such as drawing, painting, or writing poetry.

  1. Practice mindfulness techniques to enter a focused and present mindset.

Combine mindfulness techniques into your space to improve a focused and present mindset. This could involve deep breathing exercises, meditation, or guided visualizations. These practices can help quiet the mind and create a receptive state for self-asking and inner exploration

  1. Establish a ritual or routine to signify the beginning or end of your self-asking practice.

Develop a routine that shows the beginning or end of your self-asking practice. It could be as simple as lighting a candle, setting an intention, or read out loud affirmations. These routines help create a mental shift and indicate that you are entering a space of self-reflection and self-inquiry

  1. Practice self-compassion and non-judgment as you explore your inner self. 

Develop an attitude of self-compassion and non-judgment in your space. Allow yourself to explore your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs without criticism or self-censorship. Accept curiosity and openness, viewing self-asking as an opportunity for growth rather than a judgmental

And last step is do it every day, every week, as much as you can!

Enjoy the practice and good luck on your journey, my friend!

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